Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Prop Disguiser Bug
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We were playing on sunday street and coachgrump was a det and he bought a prop disguiser and when I shot him when he was a bottle he dissapeared and then I did damage to him and he prop disguised and I shot the bottle again and he respawned and had full health again. I was using a Zafkiel if that has something to do with it.

TJ and CoachGrump are witnesses
We tried it again and I actually killed the user this time.
This seems to arise whenever whoever prop disguises has full health, and works on a variety of props.
(06-30-2017, 10:19 PM)nield Wrote: [ -> ]This seems to arise whenever whoever prop disguises has full health, and works on a variety of props.

I just think it has to do when the prop you're disguised at gets removed/destroyed.

It happens with explosive barrels as well.