Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: realy bad bug with chatbox
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the error only shows up on lobby, other than that im going to post what i see when i join TTT.... in sending client info expect an edit on this

Error: Material "___fillrate_0" uses unknown shader "FillRate"
Error: Material "___debugnormalmap_1" uses unknown shader "DebugNormalMap"
Error: Material "___debugdrawenvmapmask_2" uses unknown shader "DebugDrawEnvmapMask"
Error: Material "___debugdepth_3" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
Error: Material "___debugdepth_4" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"

theres more...
OK so a quick update on this thread, the problem with the chat not showing only happens after i load back into the server. in other words the first time i load in to the server when gmod is started up i can see the chat, after i open the invintory i can no longer see the menu or the console, after rejoining the server for whatever reason be it map change or leave and rejoin i can not see the chat, and again if i open the inv no more console
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