Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Bugs with the First Prayer/Egg Rounds
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1) I'm not sure if it's suppose to do this, but the ricochet doesn't work currently(at least with an unleveled one)

2) If you get a headshot, but the last bullet to register isn't a headshot, you don't get credit for it, even if 6/7 of them are headshots. It's super frustrating and pretty unfair. I've barely gotten it to level 2 because of this.

3) This isn't a bug with the shotgun, but player to player collisions on egg hunts aren't fixed.

4) This isn't really a bug, but if you die on a egg hunt you should get respawned(maybe a 10 second wait to avoid abuse?)

5) The enhanceable report after you die says i have more EXP than i do. It currently says 24 while I only have 21.5
I don't think 2 is all that bad. And I don't see how it't unfair. If it's the same for everyone then it's fair lol.
(04-14-2017, 02:42 AM)Aresuft Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think 2 is all that bad. And I don't see how it't unfair. If it's the same for everyone then it's fair lol.

because it's completely RNG if you get the exp, not skill based, which i thought was the whole point of enhancable weapons.