Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Explosive Barrel and Prop Gun
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Hi! I recently was a detective and I decided I wanted to be a prop. So I bought a prop gun and chose an explosive barrel as my prop. Unfortunately, Halaman (some of you may know him) wanted to hit the barrel with a spoon. Right as I turned from Barrel to Human, there was a split second in which he hit the barrel and it exploded, killing me, him, and 4 others. I later tested it once again with SP1D3RP1G (with his permission) and confirmed that it is in fact, the switching from barrel to human. If you have questions/want more details, post here and I'll respond as swiftly as I can!
yeah its a sick meme. in logs it says that the det is killed by something/world and then the player who shot the barrel takes the blame for all of the rest of the damage.
Yeah nield messaged me this as it happened I assume. I'll look into possible fixes (maybe just blacklist the explosive barrel model).