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Full Version: Go through elevators with Prop Disguiser..
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So I accidentally went under the map after trying to disguise in an elevator on TraitorMotel.

I was thinking on what maps could this be used on.
I came up with
  • Resident Evil
  • Airbus
  • TraitorMotel
  • Black Mesa east Fancy and I tested this. The elevator worked like a charm with both prop disguise and tranqing bodies, This map has it under control.
  • Now that I think about it, The Thing could most likely be used like this.
  • Trappy Cottage might be able to do this if the ship doesn't count for ground, but I think it does.

Not only that, but if something propels you up and you're able to hit the roof, you can prop disguise and go out of the map that way.

I've seen this on Teen room.

So after alittle testing, there is a possibility that this bug only happens on traitor motel, but I will test on different maps listed.
So the prop just falls through them?
Yup. I was a soda machine at the time, but I doubt it has any significance.

There's also a different bug that I just encountered. If you buy a 1 use T item like barnacle, and then prop disguise, you can rebuy it, rinse and repeat for infinite until you run out of credits.

You can also assume the same for 1 use Detective items, but I haven't gotten to test that.

There's also another problem. When you use the prop disguiser, you lose all credits you had. So this becomes only semi useful.

This was another fun thing with the prop disguiser that wasn't suppose to happen. I was playing CommunityBowling and I was forcing myself to get inside the Traitor room. If I had more time I would've gotten in and its really easy to get in. The next time I was able to use the prop disguiser, I was trying to get into the secret knife vending machine and I was able to get above the machine without teleporting and was outside of the map floating in blackness while I could see inside. If I kept using the prop disguiser, I would move down, but still out of the map.

Next fun thing has nothing to do with the prop disguiser, but the Tranquilizer. If you tranq someone into the bread factory in Crummy Cradle, they become invincible and invisible. This puts them in a in-game state while in a camera like view, making it impossible for the Ts to win.

Edit: This glitch with Tranq can also happen on Black Mesa East with the secret teleporter.
fancy discovered the black mesa one i was the test dummy Sad feels dad man
New day, more testing.

ttt_homestead_alpha has cliffs that don't have death boundaries on the bottom, thus you can go to the bottom with disguiser, but you can also go down with Grapple hook. The dark pit near the elevator can also do the same. Also, the elevator doesn't make prop disguiser go through on this map either. At this point, I'm thinking it's only Traitor motel's elevator that you can go through.

1:06 AM - fancy: on stadium
1:06 AM - fancy: you can prop disguise outside the front doors

Edit 1: I think I'm understanding why and how this is happening. This all started with Traitor Motel. With the idea of all elevators were capable of being broken, I figured out WHY it only worked on the one in Traitor motel. It's simply because the elevator isn't a solid prop. Without textures, you would be able to see that the elevator itself is simply invisible. I thought this would make it so EVERY elevator was the problem. With some other testing on elevators on different maps, That wasn't the case. When Fancy brought up the front doors, I didn't think anything of it until we actually went to stadium. When we got there, I saw that the doors didn't exist either. I could see Homestead and Black Mesa's elevators and couldn't go through. I believe this is the link between going through the walls/floors.