Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Some bullshit and im sorry for my absence
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I still havent been able to get enough money to live and buy a computer at the same time i should have enough next month but i need to cut off some of the better parts for worse i just cant get enough money since there's no work available at all where i could get tried everything got nowhere if there's some rich bastard who wants to helo me just pm me on steam or the forums



moved to off topic11

good luck friend
Aw, no wonder you've been dead. Hope it works out man! Go less on the beer money XD
ive gone less on the beer money terran, about 100% less, wich is horrible if i didnt have actually good friends irl i wouldnt have had even 1 beer in the whole time ive been away
Come back soon fam, we miss you fam. Fam.
this is really funny, yesterday was my birthday, i got a dark custom made lager as a present xD
ill donate u all my csgo crates if that helps KAPPA