Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Results for 10,000 item crate rolls
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Without the rolling changes:
10000 item crate roll results(rarities).     =    {
        Rare    =    450,
        Ordinary    =    5353,
        Godlike    =    7,
        Uncommon    =    1302,
        Legendary    =    112,
        Unlikely    =    1086,
        Common    =    1689,

10000 item crate roll results(items).     =    {
        Yagginese    =    18,
        Shank's Surplus    =    30,
        Sorrowful    =    49,
        Heartless    =    48,
        Thrakos    =    1,
        Pretty Pink    =    54,
        Adequate    =    766,
        Nighthawk    =    9,
        Ninjato    =    29,
        Lightweight    =    114,
        Traitor Round    =    74,
        Infectious    =    11,
        Nocturnal    =    16,
        Irradiated    =    20,
        Sledge Hammer    =    72,
        Axistence    =    38,
        Bellum Letale XR1    =    21,
        Armadillius    =    32,
        Kief Daddy's    =    64,
        Moderate    =    1571,
        Blaze Crystal    =    160,
        Dimension Crystal    =    56,
        Umpty Dumpty    =    16,
        Coins    =    467337,
        Gravity Crystal    =    30,
        D9 Railgun MK3    =    3,
        TotaliTerran    =    56,
        Vakarian    =    19,
        Bananas!    =    63,
        Tartarus    =    3,
        Noodler    =    52,
        Otterly    =    73,
        Exalted    =    16,
        The Nield    =    49,
        Flownoomder    =    51,
        Ravaging    =    76,
        Rampant    =    86,
        Glock-a-doodle-do    =    31,
        Apocalyptic    =    22,
        Decent    =    3782,
        Cyantific    =    49,
        Durendal    =    15,
        Kaiju    =    32,
        Rebounding Crystal    =    84,
        Doctorate    =    24,
        Flamboyant    =    60,
        Reload Crystal    =    24,
        Shock Absorb Crystal    =    72,
        Heroic    =    8,
        Distinguished    =    13,
        Omnipoten    =    27,
        Hatchet    =    89,
        Competent    =    352,
        Cryptic    =    63,
        Destructive    =    131,
        Rotting    =    34,
        Decimating    =    27,
        Jump Crystal    =    70,
With the rolling changes:
10000 item crate roll results(rarities). = {
Rare = 467,
Ordinary = 5379,
Godlike = 3,
Uncommon = 1375,
Legendary = 118,
Common = 1640,
Unlikely = 1017,

10000 item crate roll results(items). = {
Yagginese = 35,
Irradiated = 22,
Sorrowful = 54,
Heartless = 70,
Pretty Pink = 58,
Adequate = 769,
Nighthawk = 20,
Lightweight = 113,
Traitor Round = 88,
Jump Crystal = 71,
Destructive = 125,
Infectious = 16,
Sledge Hammer = 82,
Umpty Dumpty = 24,
Bellum Letale XR1 = 12,
Armadillius = 33,
Kief Daddy's = 71,
Moderate = 1583,
Blaze Crystal = 158,
Dimension Crystal = 40,
Doctorate = 32,
Coins = 421647,
Gravity Crystal = 16,
Bananas! = 51,
Vakarian = 14,
Exalted = 16,
Axistence = 33,
Tartarus = 3,
Noodler = 54,
Otterly = 60,
Heroic = 15,
The Nield = 42,
Apocalyptic = 15,
Ravaging = 90,
Rampant = 76,
Glock-a-doodle-do = 32,
TotaliTerran = 48,
Decent = 3796,
Nocturnal = 16,
Decimating = 31,
Kaiju = 36,
Rebounding Crystal = 106,
Cyantific = 42,
Flamboyant = 57,
Reload Crystal = 24,
Shock Absorb Crystal = 67,
Durendal = 13,
Distinguished = 12,
Omnipoten = 22,
Hatchet = 101,
Competent = 347,
Cryptic = 76,
Ninjato = 29,
Rotting = 35,
Shank's Surplus = 32,
Flownoomder = 36,
3 of dem godlikes yo


That's like, 2.5m coin value, right?

If we assume each Tartarus is 100k...

The rest, 150-160k...

Damn, not a lot of profit
Then again, coins...
>Tartarus = 3
>all 3 tarturus'

Updated with before/after. Fucking 400k in coins alone haha. (They are basically the same, in my multiple tests. The godlikes/legendary drops vary pretty far)
what about for cresent/presents/COTD?
He was hesitant to reveal just Item Crates, so I doubt he'll do any more lol. Thanks though! Informative.
I made another change(really affects the coins):
10000 item crate roll results(rarities).     =    {
        Rare    =    545,
        Ordinary    =    4308,
        Godlike    =    5,
        Uncommon    =    1798,
        Legendary    =    159,
        Unlikely    =    1392,
        Common    =    1792,

10000 item crate roll results(items).     =    {
        Apocalyptic    =    19,
        Irradiated    =    30,
        Sorrowful    =    54,
        Cyantific    =    58,
        Hatchet    =    141,
        Pretty Pink    =    76,
        Adequate    =    583,
        Nighthawk    =    20,
        Thrakos    =    2,
        Lightweight    =    162,
        Traitor Round    =    103,
        D9 Railgun MK3    =    2,
        Heroic    =    19,
        Bellum Letale XR1    =    19,
        Sledge Hammer    =    102,
        Axistence    =    34,
        Vakarian    =    22,
        Shock Absorb Crystal    =    82,
        Kief Daddy's    =    84,
        Moderate    =    1238,
        Blaze Crystal    =    199,
        TotaliTerran    =    83,
        Shank's Surplus    =    42,
        Coins    =    615065,
        Gravity Crystal    =    19,
        Bananas!    =    81,
        Dimension Crystal    =    58,
        Infectious    =    29,
        Exalted    =    18,
        Tartarus    =    1,
        Noodler    =    72,
        Otterly    =    73,
        Jump Crystal    =    102,
        The Nield    =    55,
        Armadillius    =    37,
        Ravaging    =    98,
        Rampant    =    90,
        Glock-a-doodle-do    =    45,
        Umpty Dumpty    =    28,
        Decent    =    3070,
        Nocturnal    =    21,
        Heartless    =    85,
        Kaiju    =    23,
        Rebounding Crystal    =    129,
        Doctorate    =    32,
        Flamboyant    =    99,
        Reload Crystal    =    29,
        Ninjato    =    32,
        Durendal    =    18,
        Distinguished    =    11,
        Omnipoten    =    38,
        Decimating    =    40,
        Competent    =    443,
        Cryptic    =    95,
        Destructive    =    205,
        Rotting    =    46,
        Yagginese    =    33,
        Flownoomder    =    59,

This new simulation system should work great for balancing new crates.

Perhaps it's time to reduce the price of the normal item crate a bit?
Cool! Let us generate these cool text values ourselves and give opinion :P

That's neat
i want oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Dat 1/2000 godlike drop rate. Given how many have dropped recently I thought it'd be a bit higher