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Full Version: Mini Cosmic member app
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Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): [Fire Demon Slayer]Mini Cosmic

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 788 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I randomly found it looking for a fun server.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope.

Why do you want to join?: Well i want to help the server out when no one else can there been many of time when we need staff but no staff can get on.

Also, he SERIOUSLY deserves it. He plays a lot, is always friendly, nice and funny. He sounds and acts incredibly mature, and would make great staff material. Seriously huge +1, he should be accepted ASAP!
+1 He has over 800 hours and is a great player
+1. No reason not to.
shit man fuck member, skip this man to +member +100
Mini would be a great member and would have great potential in the ranks above it. He is mature, he helps out, and he never causes any issues and that he is just a very enjoyable person to play with. I support him for member 100% and I see 0 reason not to promote him immediately. +1

Happy birthday BTW Smile
+1 hes like-able follows rules and is fun to play with
WHAT EVERYONE ABOVE HAS SAID!!!!!! +11111111111111
yes +1. i mean why wouldnt he be member. He was mature enough before he was 14.
Mini has been more mature and helpful than some mem+'s and people a lot older than him. Now that he's old enough to have member there's absolutely no reason to deny him.

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