Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!)
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Now, we all know that the promised "High chance of suffixes" was a falsehood. Now, I've thought of a few ways to balance out TotaliTerrans to make them "Cooler!"

Here's a few stat ideas and special stuff.

Fire-Rate: +60%
Damage: -70%
Accuracy: -40%
Recoil: +40%
Clip: +8 to +25 (Rifles/Shotguns to Automatics)
Mobility: N/A
Special Status: Very high chance of suffixes. Very low chance of DOUBLE suffixes.

They'd be fun guns to use, terrible at a range but with cool suffix stuffs.

Now, I'm broke right now, but I AM prepared to throw money at the screen! However, current TotaliTerrans should NOT be changed, obviously.

If required, a name change is 100% O.K. The name could be something like "Specialist" or "Astounding".
name it "Totalidreadark" and we can give it a buff.
-1, totally terrans are too op already.

They should be nerfed!

Here should be the new stats:

-100% Everything

thanks for listening, brass.

in all honesty though, stop bitching. you get what you get and you dont get upset.
Yaass bitch buff em or Terran will cri
no option to keep it the same
the amount of people view this thread
maybe lower those +'s by 10% and im on board ^^ (y)
+1 totaliterrans suck, at least I understood the pun.
this would be cool. Totaly Terran's guns are bad for even the unlikely tier.
can i just bring up the fact that terran posted this thread in shit posting and asked for serious replies.
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