Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: How much is this so i know
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. its a glock that i dropped and before I sell it I want to know what its worth, offers were about 1k so.
That's a good glock. 1k would be a pretty decent price for it, but others would probably know more.
sold for bellium or whatever its called and a night hawk
Dude that is sexy. Plus firerate and damage? Whoever traded you overpayed but hell I would to.
Eh, Bellums are 400-800 depending on the chance, Nighthawks are like 200-300 or so it seems. Reasonable trade in my eyes. (What chance is the bellum?)
And terran, left to wonder forever in the infinite clouds of his thoughtless brain, was never told the chance of that bellum.
oh, and, uh, necro(philia), i guess.