Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Howdy folks
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Hey guys! I'm a old ass NTG member who probably many or none of you remember, life hit me in the face after NTG and I've just been doin my own thing and left gmod in the dust for quite a few years but I wanted to pick it up again and see what's up, so here I am! I love that I joined back and just like 20 minutes after I already spotted many old faces and it feels good to be back to the gmod times. Here's to many more good times and life experiences!

Also to those who don't know me which is probably 90% of you, Hi! I am Dr. Stein and I love video games! I have been playing for 94% of my life and I have played a lot of games across several genres going from Call of Duty to Stardew Valley. I am trying to get back into the groove of TTT and just Gmod in general! Thanks for reading and here's hopin we can be great friends!
I don't think anyone except me uses the forums, and I don't even play right now due to extended leave, but hi welcome to FRG.
Terran lurks in the shadowy depths of FRG infrastructure...

Hi Stein, idk if I know you or not. I used to go by anangrybeaver so that might jog your memory if we had previously played.

But anyways, welcome back!
Welcome to Forerunner Gaming!