Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: A New TTT Map
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Incase you haven't heard, (from all the images/messages I posted on the FRG discord) I am currently working on a map for ttt.
I have been working on this last year but due to some issues, (that will be addressed in a forum post when the map is ready to be published) and getting a new computer I decided to take the opportunity and start all over.
Currently I have a list of people who contributed to the map, if you would like to be added on the list you can either making a advertisement, or playtest the map and give feedback.

So here's how the advertisements will work, you dm me a image and name of the advertisement for your company/business on discord, (it doesn't have to be a real company/business, it can be made up) and it gets added to the map. Sounds simple enough?
Here are some examples from some people who have already did this...
Beebee -
Parade -
Nytemart -
Terran -
Edit -
Black Knight -
Tactical Pikachu -
Kcat - (not available yet)
Soulshardcore - (not available yet)
(Some arent in there yet because I forgot to back them up from my old pc =/  )

If you want to help me out and playtest the map, dm me on discord (Shadow_man43#8902) that you want to playtest the map.
This is NOT a final version of the map, so expect some unfinished parts of the map.
If you find anything odd, (invisible wall sticking out, weird textures, map being too big/small, a spot that can be exploited) please dm me on discord, feedback is needed. If you are trolling you will be ignored.
Currently I don't have a day right now for playtesting but I will let people know on the FRG discord.
Here are some screenshots of what the map currently looks like...
In-game View
Top-Down View
Side View
Hopefully I'll actually finish it, and publish the map on the steam workshop.