Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: I Fear Leif +Member Apllication
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Steam Name(Current): I Fear Leif

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, I do not believe I have any bans on record.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I have played actively since I joined, and I have had the desire for a long time now to help the community out by providing good staffing services to assist current staff/do my job adequately if there are no other staff online.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I think you should promote me because I am a candidate that is willing to put out the required effort into this role and help out the community. I also play nearly every day and any breaks I do take last no longer than a week. I will however need a small amount of guidance in this endeavor, as I have no prior administrative experience.

Do you have any administrative experience?: I do not have any administrative experience in Garry's Mod, I will need some form of guidance for at least my first couple of days.

Additional Details: I may make mistakes and communicate like an idiot at times, however, I do have a genuine desire to support this community and not abuse any powers that are given on any occasion.