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  Kat's +Member app
Posted by: Kat - 06-15-2023, 05:12 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Steam Name(Current): Kat

Age: 23

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: No

Why would you like to be promoted?: I really like this community and this server so I'd like to help out.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I have a decent amount of experience staffing, an I like to think I'm easy to get along with I also never take anything to heart.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yes : Malz (Admin) , Revlaks wizard palace (jr mod) elevated gaming (Admin css), Pluto (Advisor), Arcadia Gaming (Admin), Currently Staff Coordinator/head admin for Flux ttt.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: I'm a tough cookie Big Grin

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  12 Unban Request
Posted by: 12 - 06-15-2023, 03:10 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (17)

Steam Name (Current): 12

Steam Name (During incident): 12

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:431917031

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198824099790

Name of staff you were banned by: Vhoxel

Length of the ban: 2 Weeks

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Shortened

Reason for ban: Map Exploiting

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes, I did.

What really happened?: I went outside the map on community pool after I got teleported back in already by Lee then got banned for 2 weeks by vhoxel. I am sorry if anyone was negatively impacted by what I did.

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  Patchnotes 06/08/2023
Posted by: Brassx - 06-09-2023, 01:23 AM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (5)

This update brings a number of new features that I'll outline below:

Loadout Presets

These let you quickly swap between loadout presets you define in the "Loadouts" section (click the + symbol). These are more or less 'macros' to automatically search your inventory and equip the items you defined in the presets.

If you run out of space or the item isn't found, you'll get an error and it'll stop the swap.

Mythical Items
These are one-of-a-kind items only found in TTT loot orbs. Once an item drops, it's removed from the pool. These have a static chance in loot orbs, and are affected by lucky as they're just an item inside orbs.  They also give their loot orbs their own display.  You can type !mythical to view the current pool.

Changelog below:
  • Added Loadout Presets
  • Updated a chunk of the Inventory front end, including new animations.
  • Added Mythical Items to TTT Loot orbs, type !mythical for more info.
  • Added 2 new bimonthly giveaway items to post-round giveaway system.
  • Items won from the post-round giveaway can now give traits to the items upon someone winning them, if applicable. This is a pool of pre-existing traits as well as a few new ones.

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  Jerome Unban Appeal v2
Posted by: Kanye West NotFound.Tech - 06-07-2023, 02:53 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (1)

Steam Name (Current): Jerome NotFound.Tech

Steam Name (During incident): Jerome <-

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71528792

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Juwan/

Name of staff you were banned by: Brassx (Console)

Length of the ban: Perma

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Repealed; it has been quite awhile

Reason for ban: Mute Evading in the discord, cumulation of multiple other things which lead to a Perma in-game.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes, I did, and I fully regret it.

What really happened?: Got muted for saying if you vape you are the "F Slur" which was just a general statement to no one, but Cheny complained about, and after I got muted, I proceeded to leave the discord and rejoin and originally lied to Brassx saying I was fixing something.

Additional details: Yes, I know certain players will not want me back, and that is fine, due to my past actions. It has been quite awhile, and I wanted to try something new and see if I had a chance to rejoin the community. I have bettered myself and cut myself off from some really toxic players from back in the day. I also have been promoted to Staff-Manager on another TTT community, and have held that rank for almost a year now, and have been on their staff team for almost 2 years without any issues.

My discord info is juwangod or juwan.

If you have anymore questions or concerns, I can always answer any questions and or have alibis of my actions since I got banned from FRG in July 2021.

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  Classy Catfish / The Hoovy Unban Request
Posted by: Classy Catfish - 06-01-2023, 09:34 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (2)

Steam Name (Current): Classy Catfish

Steam Name (During incident): The Hoovy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67037366

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094340461/

Name of staff you were banned by: (Unknown, lost to time.)

Length of the ban: Permanently.

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Hopefully repealed, but I understand if its upheld.

Reason for ban: Racism and MassRDM

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes. I remember why and what I did.

What really happened?: So I was around 11 or 12 when I was playing on this server a while ago.
Said some dumb shit, got banned for it originally for a week via and ultimatum by a staff member. Eventually destroyed his faith and got angry so went on a massrdm spree. Eventually got banned permanently for that. I understand why though.

Additional details: It's been a while and I've changed, but the shit I've done is not worth sparing. I understand I ruined the general fun of some people.
Also seemed my previous unban request was lost to time, oh well.

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Posted by: The Black Parade - 05-20-2023, 09:45 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)


Welcome to the FRG Mapping Competition!

We will be launching our first mapping competition (and probably only, I have no idea. I'm not expecting a lot). This competition has a theme, an expectation, and a new gamemode for FRG.

The Gamemode

DEATHMATCH by Twentysix is a new gamemode currently in the works for FRG. For the next (or one of the next) playtests we will host the maps and play through each one.
Deathmatch will come with new gamemodes, Capture the Flag, Control Points and King of The Hill.

The Map Theme

Yes, we will be using Halo's aesthetic to make our maps (if you somehow didn't guess that)! Afterall, Halo is an iconic arena-shooter. There are plenty of maps from Halo that stand the test of time.

Halo? There aren't any Halo textures in Gmod or CSS Confusedillychamp:
You can use (or make your own) a Halo Texture Pack I use frequently in my TDM/BR maps (You've played them before).
Here's some images (br_hang_em_low and br_constitute)
Can I recreate a Halo map?
Although I love the original Halo1/3 maps, I'm going to say no. Use Halo as inspiration but make a map that has originality. A map I made using halo textures that's original, for example, was br_space_dementia.
Why this theme?
I think I'm setting a bar that everyone can accomplish with time and effort. It's a design I like to make from time to time when I want to make something that looks good and simplistic while not taking up a lot of my time for.
At the bottom of this thread, I'll leave a download to the textures and instruct where to place them!

Enough with the theme! Lets talk business...


A map takes a lot of steps to complete. While it is easy to get started and really to create a first map, it takes experience to learn detailing and the back ends of source mapping. I am looking for the best that you can do! Even if you don't have enough experience on the tool, with time, effort and patience you can create anything you like!

For Deathmatch, we will provide some gamemodes for Twentysix to playtest with.

So, what are the criterias?
  • The map follows the Halo Theme. You don't have to use solely the Halo pack, but you can mix your own textures in you want to use.
  • The map shows creativity, while also being simplistic in its layout and, as vague as it sounds, fun. Adding gimmicks to your maps (like jump pads, for example) add some uniqueness to it. Just don't go overboard and don't use low gravity. It sucks in multiplayer. I'm looking for quality, not perfection, and no ttt_ouhhh map designs please.
  • Your map needs to provide AT LEAST one of the three special gamemodes in Deathmatch. Capture the Flag, Control Points, or King of the Hill. I will provide a download of the .FGD and instructions of how to set them up in Hammer (as well as a basic overview of each gamemode).
  • The map follows basic techniques and optimizations. Basically, if the map is optimized, you're doing good (there's a lot more to it but I'm not gonna get worked up on it). Remember that in the servers, maps have drastically reduced frames than singleplayer. For the most part, use func_details and areaportals.
  • The map is packed correctly with all of its assets. I will ask for the .bsps before the end date to make sure I can see your assets. If you need help on packing I can assist. Make sure the assets you are using can be packed in the first place (for example, don't use shit from gmod servers you downloaded, packing tools wont recognize it as custom assets, including FRG's models and assets).

  • The map follows FRG Guidelines
  • The map works...
  • You may collab in a project with one other player, however, you can only submit one map you worked on together.
  • Cannot use TF2, L4D2 or Portal assets unless correctly packed into the map. CSS is the exception to this.


With all that, who is judging the competition. I will not be the sole judge, but I will have help from Brass and Twentysix. I will be the hardass on the quality of the map. The map should look like it's been done to a standard of server release and playability.
Brass and Twentysix will most likely focus on gameplay and map design. Is the map fluent and does it fit the standard for the mode.

I will be asking for the .vmf as well. If you don't trust me for any understandable reason, you can always publish the map on the Steam Workshop first and private it to claim it as your own. I will be deleting these .vmfs after the competition

What do I get if I win??
Uhhh, I haven't thought of that yet. If Brass wants to whip up some goated stacked weapon I think thats a nice reward. Maybe I'll buy a game for you on Steam too? idk yet.
Either way, all playable maps will stay on the TDM server, and you can update your map at anytime if you feel like doing so.

The competition will end either at the end of June, or mid July. Before I give a set deadline, I will ask individually where everyone is currently at with their projects, and make an assumption after.
Start mapping, bitches

I will provide a temporary discord channel for mappers participating, so DM if you are participating


Halo Texture Pack
CSS materials folder -
E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\materials
GMOD materials folder -

Mapping Competition Stuff and Prefabs (including the TDM .FGD)

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  Potential Mapping Competition
Posted by: The Black Parade - 05-19-2023, 04:47 PM - Forum: General - Replies (8)

Hello all! I am curious about beginning a mapping competition for FRG. This isn't a thread about the competition but instead who would be interested in participating.

I've noticed a few mappers in FRG and also a few who are willing to learn. For the competition, the map will be either 1v1 tourney map or a TDM/Objective map for 26's Team Deathmatch Gamemode.
If you are a mapper, please comment on this thread. If you have any questions I'll try to answer them ('cause idk how this is gonna work yet myself).
I'll post a poll on the thread too, whether you want to see TDM or 1v1. Everyone seeing this thread should vote for either or.

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  Howdy folks
Posted by: Dr. Stein - 05-11-2023, 01:19 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

Hey guys! I'm a old ass NTG member who probably many or none of you remember, life hit me in the face after NTG and I've just been doin my own thing and left gmod in the dust for quite a few years but I wanted to pick it up again and see what's up, so here I am! I love that I joined back and just like 20 minutes after I already spotted many old faces and it feels good to be back to the gmod times. Here's to many more good times and life experiences!

Also to those who don't know me which is probably 90% of you, Hi! I am Dr. Stein and I love video games! I have been playing for 94% of my life and I have played a lot of games across several genres going from Call of Duty to Stardew Valley. I am trying to get back into the groove of TTT and just Gmod in general! Thanks for reading and here's hopin we can be great friends!

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  BlackGuyFieri Membership Application
Posted by: BlackGuyFieri - 05-10-2023, 05:12 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (7)


Steam Name(Current):BlackGuyFieri

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 614hrs in ttt, 57hrs in lobby

Where did you hear about this server?: I happened across the server looking for a good ttt server and fell in love with how crazy all the weps and everything was so i stayed

Have you ever been banned and why?:
yes for one day, when allegiance first came out i got karma banned from people dying to the lift trap after i died so i couldn't return it.

Why do you want to join?: i have been playing on the server going on two years now it is always a joy to participate and i want to be apart of future growth.

Referred by: Leyzr

Additional Details: No matter the outcome this will still be my ttt home

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  FRG "Rogue-Lite*" event
Posted by: Terran - 05-09-2023, 03:32 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

A shorter event that lasts maybe 15-30 minutes a game and consists of random rooms of traps, challenges, enemies, mini-bosses and bosses. Players will start as "level 0" with the basic equipment, NOT their normal inventory of weapons or whatever. Whenever a room or challenge is defeated, all the players participating  get a random bonus such as various increased stats, temporary new gear, all that "roguey*" goodness.

The difficulty would be quite high, but win or lose you'll get a currency that you can either redeem for
A) Temporary or permanent bonuses the next time you play, starting with better stuff/bonuses, or
B) Rewards that give you normal TTT/crate/inventory whatever loot

You'd only be able to play the event once per day "freely", but if you do a set of dailies on TTT, you can get another "play" (Or spend a small amount of rubies for a ticket, or VIPs could buy a "pass" that gives them unlimited access for a day or few days).

It'd be focused on being fast, challenging and more replayable. Of course it'd be annoying to do and events suck and I don't know how all that works but surely the community could come together to suggest parkour rooms, trap rooms, challenge rooms, puzzle rooms, guessing rooms, fighting rooms of all type, e.t.c.

Probably up to a party of 6 people.

One extra change could be that the difficulty can be increased if the party wants to, which gives more rewards but makes it harder. So you'd never just "outscale" it or become too good for it to be fun anymore. Difficulty stuff could be as simple as "players take more damage" to stuff like restricting certain gear usage, e.t.c.

ok that's it that's my terrible idea of the year

*yes I know that the term "roguelike" and "rogue-lite" are nothing LIKE Rogue, or even like ADOM or DC:SS or Tales of Maj'Eyal or Elona or any actual game like Rogue, but nobody seems to care to change the definition so whatever. I still think it should be called a "ReRPG, or a "Random element RPG".

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